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Nejnovější verze ke stažení

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Příspěvek  Valerius Thu May 20, 2010 3:07 pm

Verze 40.01


New stuff
   (*) World activation!  There are a few things that aren't active, like megabeast invasions, but lots of world gen actions made it into the game.  Birth, death (to the extent it wasn't handled before), marriages, site foundation as well as reclaims, basic succession and appointments/etc., invasions, as well as some more detail beyond world gen, like patrols, banditry and animal population handling.  We still don't have army battles -- the invasions are all successful right now, unless they are locally interfered with by you.
   (*) The game advances two weeks before each play -- the calendar there still moves slowly when there's a lot of action, as there is in larger worlds, but there are quite a few things I can do soon to speed that up.  Due to the speed of the calendar, new forts in particular also get just two weeks.  This'll probably cause some shenanigans with the caravan (or you'll just have to wait a year in an autumn fort for your first one) until we sort it out.
   (*) Fortresses can be retired and unretired.  Losing is still fun but if it doesn't happen when you want, you can put it off for a while.  Retired forts can be conquered (much more easily than they would be if you still controlled them), so don't be surprised if you have to reclaim instead of being able to unretire sometimes.  You can reclaim forts that didn't make it through world generation.
   (*) Site maps for dwarves, elves and goblins.  These are very basic, but they are there, anyway.
   (*) Multi-tile trees and lots of new plants.  Fruit and flowers.  Leaves that fall in little clouds.  I had to put off dwarf mode tree harvesting, but we should get to that before long.
   (*) Megabeasts/forgotten beasts can attack, destroy and then reside within world gen sites like dwarf fortresses.
   (*) Various movement changes.  Climbing/jumping/sprinting in both modes, though invaders still require a line of site to use them.  Adventure mode has a stealth rewrite, and some elements of that are present in dwarf mode (it is generally easier to spot thieves and ambushers, and I'll probably need to make them smarter about finding cover).  Movement and combat are separate now.  Startled people climb up the walls of their homes a little too often.
   (*) Tracking information in adventure mode.  You can pull up a little window and see tracks (capital K), and you can also have it describe the freshest track that isn't yours to more easily stay on a trail (alt K).  Tracks are also part of the regular look command.
   (*) Different levels of conflict -- your opponents in adventure mode will be listed with the current status (non-lethal, lethal, no quarter, etc.).
   (*) Combat moves take place over a period of time now, and you can do things like catching an opponent's attack -- you have to do that by targeting a grab at the offending part now (reactions used to have a menu, but that was before combat got more smeared out).  You can get information about what attacks your opponent is doing in the attack menu -- the quality of the information depends on your situational awareness skill.  You can add adjective modifiers to your attacks (quick/heavy/etc.) and you can perform more than one attack at a time for a significant penalty to its force.  It might make sense with two adamantine swords or something, twirling them about.
   (*) Rumors of incidents can be spread, and the rumors need to be spread before you gain reputation (good or bad).  Killing all of the witnesses to an event will effectively remove it from play if you don't let them get off the screen.  People are a little psychic as it regards ongoing conflicts, so that they can make decisions non-stupidly.  Your liaison can share rumors with your fort, but I still need to set up the screen for reviewing them after you've seen them the first time...  not that you can do much with the information.
   (*) You can travel through tunnels.
   (*) You can get a guide to travel with you to a faraway place -- it still ended up being too cumbersome, so locals continue to be able to tell you the location of sites, but only within a certain distance of their home town.
   (*) In general, conversations have been redone.  They no longer have their own screen, but run along with other actions, and there are many more options.
   (*) The mind has been rewritten quite a bit -- people now experience emotions according to different circumstances (lots of awkward monologues there), and they consider actions differently.  The main outstanding issue is that I didn't get around to converting existing dwarf mode thoughts, so they sort of exist concurrently with the new emotions and that needs to be changed.  I'll get to that before job priorities (which was one of the main shorter-term reasons for the rewrite).  Some dwarves have life-long dreams and it is possible for them to recognize that they've accomplished the ones relating to skills and family.  They cannot yet realize their dreams of taking over the world.
   (*) The paragraph at the beginning of adventure mode was marginally more useful, but that slipped a bit at the end as things were tweaked.  I think it'll still describe certain invasions and abductions, but it needs to be redone.
   (*) Lots of new arena options -- not just the conflict state, but you can set the temperature etc. to all sorts of extremes.
   (*) Some experiments with procedural items, though the new demon-type sites are still quite un-fun now.  The knowledge on the slab at the bottom can be used, but it is probably not worth the trouble.
   (*) The stuff I forgot

Bug fixes
   (*) I'm sure several old bugs were "fixed" as large portions of the code was rewritten/removed, but I haven't tried to track exactly which ones.  Bug fixes will commence in earnest now, and everything will be handled over at the bug tracker.

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Příspěvek  SanDiego Fri May 21, 2010 1:45 pm

Malý detail - verze 31.04 přináší dlouho očekávaný OpenGL merge, takže je toho opravdu dost Smile
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Příspěvek  Metiu Fri May 21, 2010 2:06 pm

Novou verzi mám, můžete mě prosím vysvětlit co je ten OpenGL? prosím
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Příspěvek  SanDiego Fri May 21, 2010 2:08 pm

Co je OpenGL ti neřeknu, nejsem programátor, ale umožňuje to věci, jako požívat klávesové zkratky k ukládání hry, měnit velikost okna apod. Seznam zde:
Here are the 0.31.04 release notes:

The main thing here is the new OpenGL code by Svein Ove Aas (Baughn).  Especially if you weren't running at maximum framerates even on the title screen, you should notice a great improvement.  There are some modes worth messing around with in data/init/init.txt -- try "2D" if the game does not work as well as it used to (or stick with the legacy version if truly necessary).

You can get at macros with:
  Ctrl+r = record
  Ctrl+p = play
  Ctrl+s = save
  Ctrl+l = load
There is a directory data/init/macros for them.

You can use PNGs for (translucent) tilesets, you can resize the window using the border, you can zoom using the mouse wheel (reset with F10, you can rebind this to keys if you like) and multiple keys can be bound to one command.

A lot of changes were necessary to get this running, so there are likely to be a variety of bugs.  The legacy version has also been reorganized to make releases easier, so there could be new bugs even there.
Přeložím později, bude-li třeba.
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Příspěvek  Metiu Fri May 21, 2010 2:11 pm

Není potřeba překládat rozumím tomu. Todle jsem již četl ale nevěděl sem že se to nazýva openGL- nějak sem si tam toho slovíčka nevšiml.
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Příspěvek  SanDiego Fri May 21, 2010 2:14 pm

Podle strýčka googla je OpenGL standartní grafická knihovna pro API. Přeber si to jak chceš Very Happy
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Příspěvek  Agarwel Fri May 21, 2010 2:20 pm

Pokud se nepletu, tak OpenGL je alternativa k DirectX (tady už bude snad víc lidí doma).
Takže prostě knihovny pro grafický funkce. I když to může znít u DF zbytečně, tak pokud jsem dobře pochopil vývojářský deníčky, mělo by to umožnit právě hrátky s oknem - zoomování, změna velikosti okna a tak. Takže věci co se teď musí krkolomně dělat přes setting file.


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Příspěvek  J4ck0B Fri May 21, 2010 6:37 pm

Hmm.. ted jsem zkousel tu novou verzi. Zmensil jsem okno na malinky a pak zase skoro na celou obrazovku a najednou bylo okno cerny, takze tvrde vypnuti pres spravce programu. Navic jsem ani nestihl zjistit, jak do fullscreenu, asi pockam, co na to ostatni, nez se do neceho pustim.. ;-)


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Příspěvek  Fenixp Fri May 21, 2010 8:51 pm

To by mě zajímalo, co má grafické OpenGL společného se vstupem z klávesnice... Asi bych mohl svůj rozhled rozšířit dál než jen ke svým Microsofťáckým znalostem, když se chci naučit programovat multiplatformovnějšejčec, že? Very Happy Ale pokud vím dobře, tak právě DirectX jsou kompletní input-output knihovny, tj. obstarávají grafiku, vstupy z klávesnice, zvuk a tak podobně, zatímco OpenGL by se měl zabývat jen grafikou... Což nevysvětluje, proč by to mělo zpřístupňovat klávesové zkratky Very Happy

... No, abych se dostal k tomu, co jsem chtěl říct v první řadě: Vidím menší kvadrazilion grafických frontendů pro Dwarf Fortress a nevím, co bych měl plácnout na nejnovější verzi. Jedno jsem zkoušel, ale výkon hry to shodilo na minimum. Furt hře dávám další a další šance, možná by grafické rozhranní přeci jen na začátek pomohlo Very Happy Takže, nějaká doporučení?

Jo a taky mě nutí dát jí šanci fakt, že se kolem ní může eventuelně vytvořit česká komunita. To by bylo fajň, jelikož já se taky musim nasrat všude a lidi, kteří hrají Dwarf Fortress by asi byli celke schopní dobrého popovídání Very Happy
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Příspěvek  targumures Fri May 21, 2010 9:05 pm

Fenixp : Používám tenhle : http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=2003 je přehledný, a dost mi to pomohlo se do hry dostat.


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Příspěvek  Metiu Fri May 21, 2010 10:00 pm

targumures napsal:Fenixp : Používám tenhle : http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=2003 je přehledný, a dost mi to pomohlo se do hry dostat.

Todle není nejnovětší verze toto je nejnovější verze: https://dwarf.forumczech.com/graficke-a-jine-modifikace-a-dalsi-pomocne-programy-f6/grafika-phoebus-graphical-set-t7.htm
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Příspěvek  SanDiego Sat May 22, 2010 8:56 am

Fenixp, ty ještě žiješ? Very Happy Já sice grafiku nepoužívám, ale doporučoval bych Phoebus nebo Mayday's set. I když Mayday se vrtá i do interface. Dále je ve vývoji a brzy bude testovací verze Ironhandova setu, který vypadá vskutu skvěle http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=53180.0
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Příspěvek  SanDiego Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:19 am

Vyšla verze 0.31.05: http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=58651.0
Crash fixes
  (*) SDL graphics mode should work now (Baughn)
  (*) creating squads in Linux shouldn't crash the game now
  (*) stopped melting items from eventually crashing the game

Major bug fixes
  (*) animals/babies no longer try to clean themselves at water sources
  (*) stopped losers from keeping their positions at elections (could not easily repair old saves with this problem though)
  (*) fixed problem where ID numbers would be invalid on load after generating a world
  (*) adjusted seasonal temperatures (should actually fix the rain bug)
  (*) SDL grid sizes no longer stuck on 80x25 if you let intro movies play (Baughn)

Other bug fixes/tweaks
  (*) site finder will advanec without keypresses now
  (*) SDL version 2D mode colors are corrected (Baughn)
  (*) stopped cursor from skipping over large entries in stocks screen in SDL versions (Baughn)
  (*) ESC no longer quits SDL keybinding screens instead of going up a level (Baughn)
  (*) slow SDL unit offloading and other similar problems sped up (Baughn)

New stuff
  (*) immediately runs elections for unappointed, unelected positions like expedition leader if leader dies
  (*) can set held key repetition behavior in SDL versions from init.txt (Baughn)
  (*) SDL version 2D mode now allows zooming (Baughn)
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Příspěvek  ugraugra Wed Jun 09, 2010 4:18 pm

Verze 0.31.06


Crash fixes
  (*) fixed crash on abandon related to having a box/cabinet building assigned to somebody
  (*) fixed crash from using nearly spent soap bars to clean people
  (*) fixed up crash from scrolling over globs in stock screen if certain fats were present
  (*) SDL mode image export crash fixed (Baughn)
  (*) fixed cursor position on farm season selection (possible crash)

Major bug fixes
  (*) made dwarves that initiate individual training recognize when they are no longer doing so properly
  (*) stopped dwarves from swapping out their equipment for newly made items of equal value
  (*) stopped dwarves from assigning equipment from caravans or unforbidden possessions held by outsiders
      also incoming woodcutters/miners/etc.
  (*) stopped dwarves from being assigned large equipment
  (*) added default trade capacity to creatures to stop near-infinite caravan goods from being added to certain creatures
  (*) fixed material template values causing many natural creatures to be very squishy and underpowered

Other bug fixes/tweaks
  (*) 2D mode colors fixed (Baughn)
  (*) curses mode color initialization fixed (Baughn)
  (*) sound header fix (Baughn)
  (*) fixed temporary pathing problems that came from digging out brook tiles (negative construction distance etc.)
  (*) fixed deletion for zones that have all their tiles removed
  (*) fixed problem stopping hospital zones that have some tiles deleted from updating their furniture assignments
  (*) removed forest temperature dampening for artificially hot worlds
  (*) fixed some duplicate tags and other issues in the raws (see file_changes.txt)
  (*) graphical map export should be back in the SDL versions
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Příspěvek  ugraugra Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:14 pm

Nový release

edit: issue with backing out of embark and crash during look command hopefully patched up from 0.31.07 to 0.31.08

Release notes for 0.31.07 (June 19, 2010):

Crash fixes
  (*)fixed crash when over 200x200 in some screens
  (*)fixed crash associated to assigning daggers to dwarven soldiers
  (*)fixed a crash on the military screen

Major bug fixes
  (*)stopped doctors from picking up and dropping their patients repeatedly when it was time to carry them
  (*)restricted doctors to using tables and traction benches in hospital zones (stalled doctors from old saves will ignore this)
  (*)made workers stop taking new jobs if they can and want to eat/drink/sleep instead
  (*)made certain jobs like updating records and partying quittable at any time due to hunger/thirst/drowsiness
  (*)fixed pathfinding problem in special features that were placed within surrounding liquid layers
  (*)allowed options screen from dwarf/adv mode setup
  (*)fixed some job overwrite issues
  (*)made stockpiles able to take from other stockpiles again
  (*)made ownable items like cloaks that are part of uniforms not put soldiers into pickup/drop loops
  (*)made cooking require a non-liquid object to start (prevents liquid food errors, powders okay)
  (*)stopped item namers from repeatedly naming their items
  (*)changed conditions for feeding/watering of injured dwarves so beds aren't required
  (*)made militia commander assignment from noble screen respect current squad settings properly
  (*)stopped removal of squad commanders from noble screen if they have subordinates
  (*)stopped dwarves from holding multiple positions that lead squads
  (*)got rid of some flashing and debris in SDL version

Other bug fixes/tweaks
  (*)reduced hunger/thirst/drowsiness skill/speed penalties
  (*)made hunger/thirst/drowsiness thoughts occur a bit later in the process
  (*)made alcohol turn into separate liquid objects less often
  (*)made non-brewing events that create liquids handle alcohol correctly
  (*)stopped clothier from messing up craft shop task listing (and some related issues)
  (*)stopped non-locals from announcing their item attachments
  (*)fixed traction bench situation on manager screen
  (*)added pillar tile to d_init

SDL Version: Baughn improved the curses and 2D output, fixed a text mode display bug, added keys to change the FPS up/down (default alt-- and alt-=), and likely some other things.
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Příspěvek  Valerius Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:33 am

Vysla nova verze 31.09 (10.7.2010).

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Příspěvek  ugraugra Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:14 pm

Zakrátko po .09 vychází .10 která opravuje závažný bug, kdy peti napadají členy karavany, což propuká v nechtěný masakr Laughing


(*)fixed problem where your units would not recognize the nice people arriving on business as their friends
(*)stopped problem where removing a worn object in adv mode could leave you with two copies
(*)stopped seg-fault at quit in linux if sound wasn't initialized (oliver)
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Příspěvek  ugraugra Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:19 pm

31.11 s důležitými bugfixy tréninku


Crash fixes
  (*)stopped crash when individual squad members were selected in 's' and you go back to 's' after leaving
  (*)fixed crash moving from ammo assignment creation to material assignment
  (*)fixed reclaim crash
  (*)fixed text mode crash in SDL version (Baughn)

Major bug fixes
  (*)freed up assigned items properly when uniforms are overwritten
  (*)freed up equipment properly from empty positions when squad is disbanded
  (*)made civilian jobs respect attributes properly
  (*)fixed turtle (vermin) shell crafts/helms/gauntlets/etc.
  (*)stopped squad/off-time training activities from persisting when guy goes off to eat, do squad orders, die, etc.
  (*)made inactive/ordered squads free up their old training activities more quickly
  (*)stopped off-time training from gumming up squad training barracks assignment
  (*)removed dead/crazy/etc. dwarves from squads
  (*)dropped injured dwarves out of their activities properly
  (*)stopped bleeding dwarves from thinking they need to jump on the ground and be dragged to the hospital
  (*)stopped miners/woodcutters coming out of the military from thinking they had a claim to old tools
  (*)made people doing off-time training stop if it becomes inappropriate (kicked out of squad, etc.)
  (*)made quota countdown respect reactions again

Other bug fixes/tweaks
  (*)stopped body-component-based artifacts from defaulting out to iron figurines
  (*)made skill rust display properly on 'v' and made temporary skill loss conditions not display on military screen
  (*)changed rust display for skills
  (*)restricted shell moods to dwarves with shell prefs
  (*)stopped metal goblet/flask construction jobs from shuffling metal of product
  (*)fixed up idle strings for non-soldiers vs. lingering squad activities
  (*)decreased effect of low self-discipline on individual training
  (*)sped up training organization
  (*)WINDOWEDX/Y values respected when moving to windowed mode from full screen (Baughn)
  (*)fixed problem with skill demonstration session timer
  (*)added timers for sparring and individual combat drills
  (*)adjusted sparring pulled shots for recent combat balancing
  (*)adjusted skill rates for all practice activities
  (*)put forest start biome on humans (for proactive forest clearing)
  (*)changed hauling encumbrance speed formula and made hauling build atts slowly
  (*)stopped picks from being available to indiv choice soldiers
  (*)required subtype match for armor even under "partial match"
  (*)made off-duty archery training occur for indiv choice ranged weapons (not just crossbow)
  (*)cleaned up various raw typos (see file_changes.txt)
  (*)fixed a bunch of the "you" announcements in dwarf mode
  (*)made counter to stop excessive party attendence work properly
  (*)made it set up default ammo profiles for ranged squads
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Příspěvek  Valerius Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:36 am


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Příspěvek  ugraugra Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:03 am

Vyšla 31.13
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Příspěvek  Valerius Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:08 pm

ugraugra napsal:Vyšla 31.13

diky, doplnim

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Příspěvek  Chrono741 Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:25 pm

verze xxx.13 mi šla pomalu a někdy lagovala, nejnovější verze xxx.14 mi jede už tak pomalu že se to nedá hrát a to mám 4jádro, nevíte kdy se to ustálí a bude to ject zase rychle ?
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Příspěvek  SanDiego Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:57 am

Je úplně jedno, kolikajádro máš. DF není napsaná pro vícejádrové procesory.
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Nejnovější verze ke stažení Empty Re: Nejnovější verze ke stažení

Příspěvek  Chrono741 Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:45 am

no myslím že to jedno není když vytvořenej svět v 31.12 jsem měl za minutku a ve verzi 31.14 mi to trvá deset minut
legendární trpaslík
legendární trpaslík

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Nejnovější verze ke stažení Empty Re: Nejnovější verze ke stažení

Příspěvek  Chrono741 Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:55 pm

Dobrý, už se to vyřešilo, nebylo to novým DFkem, ale novým Lazy Newb packem, hot zatím hraju s obyčejnou ASCII grafikou a bez utilitek, a řekl bych že s emi to líbí víc než předtím. Až vyjde teda nějakej ustálenej a rychlejší LN pack, tak si asi nechám ASCII grafiku. Very Happy
legendární trpaslík
legendární trpaslík

Poèet pøíspìvkù : 47
Join date : 09. 08. 10

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Nejnovější verze ke stažení Empty Re: Nejnovější verze ke stažení

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